It took me two days, but I finally finished the second episode of The Bachelor. The fact that I really am not enjoying this show, coupled with the fact that I am binge watching Sons of Anarchy (and there is a baby kidnapping that they need to resolve ASAP- save Abel!!!), made it really hard to get through these two hours. I'll be honest- I don't know if I will last the whole season. I will say that Juan Pablo seems like a really nice, real, genuine guy- which makes me wonder why he is on this show. The whole thing is so artificial and contrived... but I guess he does get to kiss a whole bunch of women.
First up was Clare, who was blindfolded and whisked away to a winter wonderland... in the middle of LA. I'll give it to JP (or the producers- Im not sure how much say Juan has in these 'dates')- if I opened my eyes and saw that, I'd be pretty smitten too. I would love to know how long these dates last (so they could get all the shots) and how much interference/guidance production gives. I'm not sure how anyone couldn't like him (or her, really, I did like her) after this date. There was a lot of talking, which a first date should be.
Fast forward to Kat who also got an alone date. They jetted off to Utah to participate in the Electric Run. First off- is this chick a runner? If a guy brought me to a 5k on a date I would laugh in his face- and I guess walk 95% of the way. The editing made it seem like they didn't talk at all during the flight. Beyond him giving her some skimpy clothes to put on, they exchanged nothing important, yet he had an amazing date watching her run and dance. Okay.
Then the most mind boggling of all- a group date. With 13 ladies. How is this a date? BUT this is my favorite part of the show- the date was a photo shoot to help dogs get adopted. Some crying when a few girls have to pose nude with signs covering their parts, but they work it out and then head to some rooftop pool/gym. area.
As some of the girls get one-on-one time with JP, the others unwind with some wine. While most can act like adults, Victoria reminds me why I don't drink- she over does it and goes bat-crap-crazy. She seems to lose it fairly quickly, going from one glass of champagne to slurring her words and having a total meltdown in the bathroom. I'll give it to JP, he was a gentleman and tried to talk to her while she was locked in the bathroom, but she couldn't handle it. Not for anything, but you go through this ENTIRE audition process, put your life on hold for several weeks, KNOW you will be on TV and you still get drunk and act a fool? I still don't get the allure of drinking, but this proves that it's not all laughing and good times (which I already knew). She ends up getting taken to a hotel and booted off before the rose ceremony. Clearly Vic isn't step-mother material and he just can't have that. Can't say I'm sorry to see her go.
Two girls go home- only two? How many episodes are there? I honestly don't get the two women who have young children at home. I don't know how you leave your child for 6 weeks so you can go on a dating reality show. Is it really that serious? It would take a LOT for me to leave my dog for six weeks, so I'm not sure what it would take for me to leave my child.
I just don't get the appeal of this show. I mean, it is set up for drama- a few dozen single girls fighting for a hot guy- but it is so fake. I guess there will be two 'winners' at the end of this journey, but I think we're the big losers in this equation.
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